
QuinLED Diff-Adv Extra Usage Examples

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QuinLED Diff-Adv is a versatile system that can be used in various ways, below are several more examples of how you can setup the system and wire it up.

40m of 12v ws2815 60LEDs/m = 2400LEDs in total

If you are ever in the situation where you’d like a very long stretch of addressable LEDs but they aren’t wrapped around a room so just in a single line, Diff-Adv can provide you a solution! Especially if you need them be individually addressable, you are going to need a few data channels which start to get further and further away from the controller as the strip gets longer. With a Dig-Octa Brainboard + Diff-Adv Sender-4 and multiple Receiver-Midpoint-1 boards you can easily wire this up.

Some things to note:

  • Each point will need it’s own power supply (otherwise voltage drop would quickly become too big of a problem)
  • If you don’t use ws2815 but some other lower resolution strip you can even go much further then 40m!
  • The Diff-Adv Receiver-Midpoint-1 comes delivered with a 5A fuse
    • This fuse is soldered down and not easy to replace (without a soldering iron) however if it does blow in your application, you can use the socket that is right next to it for the size fuse you require (up to 10A max)