QuinLED-Dig-Octa System
Revision History
- 2022-11-05 – Release of v1r1
- 2024-06-01 – Version v1r2 escaped into the wild
- This version was an internal intermediate release but it escaped into the wild when some files got swapped! This version was a pre-lude to the true v2 brainboard which already had some of the changes but not all of them.
- At least one batch of these had broken onboard temperature sensors!
- This version was an internal intermediate release but it escaped into the wild when some files got swapped! This version was a pre-lude to the true v2 brainboard which already had some of the changes but not all of them.
- 2024-10-01 – Version v2r2 official release!
- Changed to 16MB version of ESP32 WROOM module
- More space for large compiles of software
- Full “redesign”
- Redid all internal tracks from scratch
- All terminals stay in the same position
- Optimized track layout especially for LED channels
- Redid all internal tracks from scratch
- Redid DC-DC circuit
- Changed to dual-coil inductor
- Removed Temperature sensor
- Replaced with Socket (plug-in mode available in the future)
- Also removed I2C Pull-Up resistors
- This means that the SDA and SCL* port can now be used for other purposes if so desired
- SCL is still shared with LED8
- This means that the SDA and SCL* port can now be used for other purposes if so desired
- Changed jumpers to 1.27mm variant
- For Ethernet and SDcard power
- Added SDcard power jumper
- Allows for depowering the SDcard section of the board including all connected pull-up resistors
- Frees up 3x GPIO for other purposes if so desired
- Allows for depowering the SDcard section of the board including all connected pull-up resistors
- Added 2.54mm header pins
- Uses GPIOs of SDcard slot
- Makes available
- 3v3 (SDcard, even when disabled)
- 3x GPIO
- With no hardware pull-up/down when SDcard jumper is removed
- Works with INMP441 digital microphone board now!
- Changed to 16MB version of ESP32 WROOM module