QuinLED-An-Penta DIY ESPhome Example configuration
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The QuinLED-An-Penta board is fully compatible with ESPhome. With the 5 channels available, SPI OLED header, 3 switch inputs, I2C temperature sensor and screw terminals there is a lot going on and that can be configured. Below will be some example configurations of how I use the board, please use these as a basis to develop your own configuration!
WiFi, 5x White LED strips, 3x button input, I2C onboard temperature sensor, SPI OLED connected
Ethernet, RGBCCT LED strip, 3x button input, I2C onboard temperature sensor
WiFi, 5x White LED strips, 3x button input, I2C onboard temperature sensor, SPI OLED connected
substitutions: esphome_name: test_anpenta esphome: name: ${esphome_name} platform: ESP32 board: mhetesp32devkit wifi: ssid: !secret esphome_wifi_ssid password: !secret esphome_wifi_pass #Disable logging/UART logger: # level: NONE baud_rate: 0 api: reboot_timeout: 60min password: !secret esphome_api_pass ota: password: !secret esphome_ota_pass web_server: port: 80 time: - platform: homeassistant id: homeassistant_time i2c: sda: 1 scl: 3 scan: true spi: clk_pin: GPIO15 mosi_pin: GPIO16 switch: - platform: restart name: ${esphome_name}-restart id: restart_switch binary_sensor: - platform: gpio pin: 34 id: pin_34 filters: - invert: # on_press: # - light.toggle: # id: LED1 - platform: gpio pin: 35 id: pin_35 filters: - invert: # on_press: # - light.toggle: # id: LED2 - platform: gpio pin: 39 id: pin_39 filters: - invert: # on_press: # - light.toggle: # id: LED3 output: - platform: ledc pin: 14 frequency: 20000Hz id: LED_channel_1 - platform: ledc pin: 13 frequency: 20000Hz id: LED_channel_2 - platform: ledc pin: 12 frequency: 20000Hz id: LED_channel_3 - platform: ledc pin: 4 frequency: 20000Hz id: LED_channel_4 - platform: ledc pin: 2 frequency: 20000Hz id: LED_channel_5 light: - platform: monochromatic name: "${esphome_name}-1" gamma_correct: 2.0 default_transition_length: 3s id: LED1 output: LED_channel_1 - platform: monochromatic name: "${esphome_name}-2" gamma_correct: 2.0 default_transition_length: 3s id: LED2 output: LED_channel_2 - platform: monochromatic name: "${esphome_name}-3" gamma_correct: 2.0 default_transition_length: 3s id: LED3 output: LED_channel_3 - platform: monochromatic name: "${esphome_name}-4" gamma_correct: 2.0 default_transition_length: 3s id: LED4 output: LED_channel_4 - platform: monochromatic name: "${esphome_name}-5" gamma_correct: 2.0 default_transition_length: 3s id: LED5 output: LED_channel_5 sensor: - platform: sht3xd temperature: name: "${esphome_name}_Temperature" id: esptemp humidity: name: "${esphome_name}_Humidity" address: 0x44 update_interval: 15s - platform: uptime name: "${esphome_name}_Uptime Sensor" - platform: wifi_signal name: "${esphome_name} WiFi Signal" update_interval: 60s - platform: template name: "LED1 readout" id: LED1_value internal: true update_interval: 10ms filters: delta: 0.8 lambda: |- if (id(LED1).current_values.is_on()) { return (int(id(LED1).current_values.get_brightness() * 100)); } else { return 0; } - platform: template name: "LED2 readout" id: LED2_value internal: true update_interval: 10ms filters: delta: 0.8 lambda: |- if (id(LED2).current_values.is_on()) { return (int(id(LED2).current_values.get_brightness() * 100)); } else { return 0; } - platform: template name: "LED3 readout" id: LED3_value internal: true update_interval: 10ms filters: delta: 0.8 lambda: |- if (id(LED3).current_values.is_on()) { return (int(id(LED3).current_values.get_brightness() * 100)); } else { return 0; } - platform: template name: "LED4 readout" id: LED4_value internal: true update_interval: 10ms filters: delta: 0.8 lambda: |- if (id(LED4).current_values.is_on()) { return (int(id(LED4).current_values.get_brightness() * 100)); } else { return 0; } - platform: template name: "LED5 readout" id: LED5_value internal: true update_interval: 10ms filters: delta: 0.8 lambda: |- if (id(LED5).current_values.is_on()) { return (int(id(LED5).current_values.get_brightness() * 100)); } else { return 0; } text_sensor: - platform: wifi_info ip_address: name: ESP IP Address id: espip ssid: name: ESP Connected SSID id: espssid mac_address: name: ESP Mac Wifi Address id: espmac font: - file: "Roboto-Regular.ttf" id: my_font size: 9 globals: - id: display_page type: int restore_value: no initial_value: '0' # On first boot, value=0 initiates display.turn_on() command. Can't run as on_boot command interval: - interval: 60s then: - display.page.show_next: my_display - delay: 6s - display.page.show_next: my_display display: - platform: ssd1306_spi model: "SSD1306 128x64" rotation: 180 cs_pin: 27 dc_pin: 32 reset_pin: 33 id: my_display update_interval : 10ms pages: - id: "page1" lambda: |- it.printf(0, 0, id(my_font), TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "${esphome_name}"); it.strftime(128, 0, id(my_font), TextAlign::TOP_RIGHT, "%H:%M:%S", id(homeassistant_time).now()); it.line(0, 12, 128, 12); it.rectangle(0, 16, 80, 8); it.rectangle(0, 26, 80, 8); it.rectangle(0, 36, 80, 8); it.rectangle(0, 46, 80, 8); it.rectangle(0, 56, 80, 8); it.filled_rectangle(0, 16, id(LED1_value).state /100 * 80, 8); it.filled_rectangle(0, 26, id(LED2_value).state /100 * 80, 8); it.filled_rectangle(0, 36, id(LED3_value).state /100 * 80, 8); it.filled_rectangle(0, 46, id(LED4_value).state /100 * 80, 8); it.filled_rectangle(0, 56, id(LED5_value).state /100 * 80, 8); it.printf(128, 13, id(my_font), TextAlign::TOP_RIGHT, "L1 %3.0f %%", id(LED1_value).state); it.printf(128, 23, id(my_font), TextAlign::TOP_RIGHT, "L2 %3.0f %%", id(LED2_value).state); it.printf(128, 33, id(my_font), TextAlign::TOP_RIGHT, "L3 %3.0f %%", id(LED3_value).state); it.printf(128, 43, id(my_font), TextAlign::TOP_RIGHT, "L4 %3.0f %%", id(LED4_value).state); it.printf(128, 53, id(my_font), TextAlign::TOP_RIGHT, "L5 %3.0f %%", id(LED5_value).state); - id: "page2" lambda: |- it.printf(0, 0, id(my_font), TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "${esphome_name}"); it.strftime(128, 0, id(my_font), TextAlign::TOP_RIGHT, "%H:%M:%S", id(homeassistant_time).now()); it.line(0, 12, 128, 12); it.printf(0, 23, id(my_font), TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "SSID: %s", id(espssid).state.c_str()); it.printf(0, 33, id(my_font), TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "MAC: %s", id(espmac).state.c_str()); it.printf(0, 43, id(my_font), TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "IP: %s", id(espip).state.c_str()); it.printf(0, 53, id(my_font), TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "BoardT: %.1f°C", id(esptemp).state);
Ethernet, RGBCCT LED strip, 3x button input, I2C onboard temperature sensor
substitutions: esphome_name: test_anpentalan esphome: name: ${esphome_name} platform: ESP32 board: mhetesp32devkit ethernet: type: LAN8720 mdc_pin: GPIO23 mdio_pin: GPIO18 clk_mode: GPIO17_OUT phy_addr: 0 power_pin: GPIO5 #Disable logging/UART logger: # level: NONE baud_rate: 0 api: reboot_timeout: 60min password: nohackinghere ota: password: nohackinghere web_server: port: 80 time: - platform: homeassistant id: homeassistant_time i2c: sda: 1 scl: 3 #frequency: 1Mhz scan: true switch: - platform: restart name: ${esphome_name}-restart id: restart_switch binary_sensor: - platform: gpio pin: 34 id: pin_34 # on_press: # - light.toggle: # id: LED1 - platform: gpio pin: 35 id: pin_35 # on_press: # - light.toggle: # id: LED2 - platform: gpio pin: 39 id: pin_39 # on_press: # - light.toggle: # id: LED3 output: - platform: ledc pin: 14 frequency: 20000Hz id: LED_channel_1 - platform: ledc pin: 13 frequency: 20000Hz id: LED_channel_2 - platform: ledc pin: 12 frequency: 20000Hz id: LED_channel_3 - platform: ledc pin: 4 frequency: 20000Hz id: LED_channel_4 - platform: ledc pin: 2 frequency: 20000Hz id: LED_channel_5 light: - platform: rgbww name: "RGBCCT strip" red: LED_channel_1 green: LED_channel_2 blue: LED_channel_3 cold_white: LED_channel_4 warm_white: LED_channel_5 cold_white_color_temperature: 5500 K warm_white_color_temperature: 3200 K constant_brightness: true sensor: - platform: sht3xd temperature: name: "${esphome_name}_Temperature" humidity: name: "${esphome_name}_Room Humidity" address: 0x44 update_interval: 30s - platform: uptime name: "${esphome_name}_Uptime Sensor"