
Dig-Octa Powerboard-7HC
What’s in the box?

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All boards in the Dig-Octa system come with several accessories included in the box. These vary from included connectors to parts needed to build a stack, etc..

  • 1x Powerboard-7HC with
    • Fuses
      • 2x 60Amps LittlelFuse MiDi style fuse for board input connections
      • 16x 10Amps LittlelFuse ATO style fuse for “edge” or “middle” power injections
    •  Connectors
      • 1x 2p 5.08mm pluggable for brainboard power output
    • Standoffs and screws
      • 6x M5 8mm screws for using M5 power input terminals
      • 4x M3 1.5cm female-female for feet or base-plate mounting
      • 4x M3 3.5cm male-female for powerboard stacking
      • 4x M3 6mm screws for use on the top powerboard
      • 4x M3 10mm screws for screwing into base-plate
      • Extras for powerboard stacking for QPowerPost multi-board link
        • 1x M2.5 3.5cm female-male for multi-powerboard QPowerPost stack
        • 1x M2.5 6mm screws