ESPhome font upload
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For setups where you have the optional OLED screen on for instance the QuinLED-An-Penta you will need to upload a font for ESPhome to compile when sending the binaries to your ESP32 board. I myself use the Roboto-Regular font (download in .zip file).
ESPhome on Home Assistant
This guide is written towards a system where you run ESPhome within Home Assistant, not standalone.
Uploading the font
In the end we want the unzipped .ttf file to be in the ESPhome directory so it can find it while compiling the upload for your board. My preferred method of doing so is using a Home Assistant Add-on called “File Editor”.
If you do not have this add-on yet it can be easily installed from a Home Assistant repository.
Start the file editor add-on by using the “open web ui” button within the add-on page. You’ll be greeted with this screen, there, hit the little folder icon on the top left:
Once you do that the left bar changes to show the current directory you are in. Normally this should open in the Home Assistant main folder automatically, from there we select the ESPhome directory:
Once there we can hit the upload button in the top bar to upload the Roboto-Regular.ttf file (unpacked from the .zip file):
That’s it!
That should be it, if you now include this font in your ESPhome configuration it should automatically find the font file to use and compile it!