
Commercial Use

Although I keep my designs free to order and use in a DIY fashion, all my designs (or variations/modifications of) are proprietary and intended for DIY/home/self/friends_and_family or even co-worker use only.

“Mass production” or production for the purpose of selling (like on ebay, facebook, etc.) of the DIY version is not permitted without explicit permission from the designer (me). This includes scenarios you might think of like “I bought 10x PCB and only used 3x so selling the rest”, no. Selling boards you built yourself with my name on it, is not permitted. If you do have such plans, please contact me to discuss terms and conditions, I might also demand a fee per sold item.

(Selling your pre-assembled boards if you don’t need it anymore, is fine, the above applies to the DIY versions!).

I have invested all my time and a lot of money in these boards and all the information on this website and videos, etc. I provide this all for free, so please don’t rip me off….