QuinLED-Dig-Octa System Main Index Page Back to Addressable LEDs section The QuinLED-Dig-Octa System is the next step in addressable LED controllers in the QuinLED line-up. The system has been designed from the ground up to be modular and scalable. Where the QuinLED-Dig-Uno and QuinLED-Dig-Quad are great compact boards to run your LEDs the Dig-Octa system […]

QuinLED-Dig-Uno Back to Addressable LEDs section The QuinLED-Dig-Uno is a Digital LED controller which uses an ESP32 to control Digitally Addressable LED strips but adds a lot of features in a very compact form factor such as screw input and output terminals, high board power handling, onboard fuse, reverse polarity protection circuit, level-shifters and more […]
QuinLED-An-Penta Back to Analog LEDs section DIY version renamed to QuinLED-An-Penta-DIY! “Analog” PWM LED dimmers The QuinLED-An-Penta line-up is a line of “analog” PWM LED dimmers. The main target of these dimmers is to either use them standalone using the WLED software or natively integrated into Home Assistant using either WLED or ESPhome. Analog PWM […]
Power Supplies – Digital LEDs
Power Supply Considerations for Digital LEDs Back to article index If you want your Digitally Addressable LEDs to light up, you’re going to need a power supply! These come in lots of shapes and sizes and you need to figure out what you are going to need for your project. Although overkill (in wattage/amperage) mostly […]